Saturday, 7 June 2014

“Not all those who wander are lost.” ― J.R.R. Tolkien, The Fellowship of the Ring

“Not all those who wander are lost.” 
― J.R.R. TolkienThe Fellowship of the Ring

I walked the Camino a number of years ago(an 800 km walk /pilgrimage across the top of Spain from St Jean Piet de Port, in southern France, to Santiago de Compestella in West of Spain), and the experience  left a lasting  impact on me. I can't say I'm religious, but there is a deep experience to be had in taking "time out " to reflect on life and gain new experiences and perspectives.
Time moves so fast,.much faster than any previous generation has witnessed, and combined with the advancement of technology, events positive and negative, personal to global are being presented on a daily basis to our doorstep.

“There is more to life than simply increasing its speed.” 
― Mahatma Gandhi

I believe Plein Air Painting can be  a type of meditation. An opportunity to exist in the now, and to appreciate our present. A scene can be noted with a quick glance, but by stopping, observing, and using each brushstroke to express the feeling that moment gives you, is a very special thing. As artists by opening our hearts to an experience, I believe we also open that experience to the viewers of our work.

“The degree of slowness is directionally proportional to the intensity of memory. The degree of speed is directionally proportional to the intensity of forgetting.” 
― Milan KunderaSlowness

Tonight I begin priming new boards in preparation for the next journey, excited by the prospect, that each will be filled with  new observations , experiences and memories from life....

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